Refereed conference presentations

Kavakli, S. B. “So What Fraser?: Digitalization, Participatory Parity & Competing Subaltern Public Spheres”. Global Fusion 2023: Renewing a Disconnected World: Toward Connectivity, Equity, and Justice. (September 22-24, 2023).  

Kavakli, S. B. “Theoretical foundations towards a motivated reasoning model of empathy”. ICA Political Communication Graduate Student Preconference 2023. (May, 2023).

Kavakli, S. B. “Informational Needs of the Displaced in Turkey: Reports from fieldwork”. Global Fusion 2022: (Re)connecting in a divided world. (October, 2022).

Kavakli, S. B.; Nemmani, S.; Alkahily, O.; Rabahi, N. “Roots and Routes of Information on Forcibly Displaced People: Case Studies from Europe and Middle East.” Global Fusion 2022: (Re)connecting in a divided world. Temple University. (October, 2022)

Kavakli, S. B. “On Marauders and Terrorists: A Diachronic Perspective on Turkish News Media`s Representation of Conflict Actors”. International Association for Media and History Conference. (July, 2022).

Seo, S. and Kavakli, S. B. “Media Representations of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Immigrants: A Meta-Analysis of Research.”International Communication Association Annual Conference. (May, 2022).

Kavakli, S. B. “Measuring public opinion on refugee acceptance rates: Findings from cross-country research”. Klein Graduate Research Forum. (March, 2022).

Jones, T., Nemmani, S. & Kavakli, S. B. “Creating Conflict Competent Journalists”, International Communication Association Annual Conference. (May, 2022).

Kavakli, S. B. “A Good Neighbor:  A Critical Discourse Analysis on Displaced Identities and Their Coverage in Turkish Media”. Somewhere In Between: Borders and Borderlands. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Birkbeck College, University of London. (April, 2019)

Milagros, P. & Kavakli, S. B. “Understanding the Impact of Gender-based Violence Prevention Policies and Initiatives in Istanbul’. Pride Week Conference Series, Istanbul. (June, 2019).

Kavakli, S. B. “Wonderlands and War Zones: A comparison of Narratives on Human Experience at War.” War, Literature and Arts Conference, WLA Journal, US Air Force Academy, Colorado. (September, 2018)

Kavakli, S. B. “The People in Between: The Silence and The Roar”. Democracy and Civil Rights in Literature Conference, Bogazici University. (April, 2017).